Monday, September 16, 2013

Kindle Sales for Jute

While I'm mulling over whether or not to enroll in Kindle Select (and make my book "exclusive" to Amazon for 90 days) I haven't pulled the trigger on publishing on D2D or Smashwords to reach other sites/platforms like the Nook or iTunes.

In the mean time, however, I have not been idle!

A friend and fellow self-published author helped me get the book mentioned on a couple of websites/blogs, and I sent an email out to a bunch of folks I know, asking for Amazon reviews. Apparently that's part of the puzzle -- getting more reviews helps people feel confident in purchasing the book.

I'm up to two reviews so far. Alas.

As a result of the blog mentions, my sales more than doubled over the weekend and I actually have a chance at receiving a royalty check. The way I configured my account at Amazon, they'll send a check to me once I've reached $100USD in royalties.

So, with sales in the double digits I'm actually really happy. I know at least some of those copies went to people I don't know. Hopefully they'll like the book and maybe spread the word, or write a review. Fingers crossed!

If all goes according to plan, the next book blog post will be about life outside of Amazon, publishing via D2D to reach B&N/etc.


  1. Congratulations on your first sales! I don't have a Kindle or I'd buy and review.

    Suggestion, why don't you put an image of the cover and link to Amazon at the top of your blog sidebar?

    1. Thanks!

      Yes, I should put the book up there, but honestly, I'm still debating whether to:

      - Create a new/separate blog, for me "as an author"

      - Just cram everything into this blog
