Sunday, September 9, 2012


We've been alternating between ignoring the garden while on vacation and doting over every bloom. It's been an interesting year, garden-wise.

I'm not at all happy with the pomegranate. It is taking up prime garden real estate and if I'm going to give up that spot to a fruit tree, it may as well be something that will produce.

The new bed where we put pumpkins is working quite well. The sunflowers in that bed grew like mad, only to be tackled and devoured by squirrels. Grrr.

The pumpkins are doing well. We have 4 pumpkins growing. Two are full grown (one small sugar pie, and one much larger carving pumpkin) and two that are lagging -- but we're hopeful.

The volunteer tomato turned out to be the star of the show, generating way too much for us to keep up with:

We harvested 4 small but very yummy cantaloupes that sprung up out of the cucumber seeds. Oh, and plenty of cucumbers too. The tomatillos are coming along slowly, and something has nibbled on a few of them. I don't have high hopes for getting many. Bell peppers did well, too.

We're growing a third run of radishes. We grew onions that came out perfect and so we'll be doing that again. A volunteer potato shot up so we'll let it grow and see what happens. It's almost time to throttle back the automatic irrigation. We're going to plant lettuce/etc. very soon to squeeze one last crop out this year.

Of course, there were setbacks. The potted corn was a bust (you can see some of the "ears" in the picture above).

The shorter days and slight cooling has brought an autumnal mood -- thinking of halloween and corn harvest, falling leaves and pumpkin pie. Our favorite time of year by far! We're also starting to make plans for next year's garden already.

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