Friday, January 15, 2010

Sustainability (also "I hate beans...")

We started keeping chickens 1 year ago. I just took a quick peek at my posts from last January. Good times. Part of why we took on chickens was that we decided to start taking steps toward being more responsible as far as our impact on the planet. We're no where near perfect, but we are making progress.

This year we're looking to do more with buying local and sustainable goods. This is something we started on last year, but plan to try to do more this time around. A prime example of this is CSA vegetable boxes. We experimented with these last year and while it was generally a success, we still need to work on finding a better farm/collective.

One of the great things about the CSA farm boxes was getting to try vegetables that we typically wouldn't have thought to purchase. But be warned, dear reader! For every "Rainbow Kale" you happily discover, there's a "golden beet" (shudder) or "regular beet" Bleh!

One thing we're looking at for this year is a CSA meat box. We're only just in the beginning stages of research, but we have a few good leads and I hope to report back here soon with our findings.


Our younger daughter, age 8, is a very picky eater. The other night at dinner she said hopefully:

"I think I know why I don't like this food. I don't want to eat meat because I like animals, and animals are meat!"

We told her she can stop eating meat right now, this very moment, but that she'd have to force herself to eat other things like beans and so on in order to make up for the lost protein and nutrients.

She thought about for a quick second and then went back to (slowly) eating her dinner.

"Nevermind, I hate beans."

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